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Care for Oat Straw Grass

Oat grass has been grown around the world for thousands of years. Oats are a useful crop for farmers because they are used as a food source for people and animals, such as cattle and horses. Growing from 1 to 3 feet tall, each blade of oat grass is long and thin with a hairy-like sprout at the top that contains the plant's seed. Oat grass is known as a cool-season crop because it grows best in moderate temperatures.


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      Soak oat grass seeds prior to planting. This will soften the seeds and speed up germination. Soak seeds in lukewarm water for 12 hours.

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      Plant oat grass in direct sunlight. Oat grass needs at least 12 hours of sunlight to flower and grow tall. Grow oat grass in an open field for best results.

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      Avoid planting the seeds too closely together. Densely packed oat grass tends to develop mold on its stalks due to reduced air circulation. Plant about two oat seeds in each square inch of soil.

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      Remove weeds weekly. Weeds absorb water and nutrients needed for the oat straw. Pull weeds up by hand and discard them to prevent them from spreading.

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      Plant oat grass seeds in early spring when soil temperatures are cooler. Oat grass seeds germinate better in soil temperatures from 37 to 41 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Water the oat grass frequently. Oat grass requires more water than most grains and grows best in moist, yet well-drained, soil. Water your oat grass daily with an irrigation system or sprinkler system.

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      Avoid fertilizing your oat grass. Oat grass does not need extra fertilizer to grow and is prone to excess nitrogen levels if fertilized too much. High levels of nitrogen in oat grass can be toxic to cattle and farm animals.

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      Harvest the oat grass when the seed at the top of the blade is ripe. Check for ripeness by denting it with your fingernail. If the seed is too hard to dent, it is not ready.