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How to Kill Outdoor Ferns

Over 12,000 species of ferns grow around the world, in a wide variety of environments. As beautiful as ferns may look, they can spread widely and become a nuisance. Some, like bracken, have been found to be carcinogenic. As ferns have existed for 300 million years, it’s not surprising that getting rid of them isn’t easy. But it can be done.


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      Use non-chemical eradication methods as your first line of attack, if you are an organic gardener or have concerns about using chemical herbicides. Digging or pulling up ferns can be effective for a small area. Ferns spread by sending out runners from their rootstock, so make sure you get rid of all these to prevent regrowth.

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      Place sheets of plastic, tarps or old carpeting over a fern stand -- or one that you’ve cleared by hand. This method, called soil solarization, uses the heat of the sun on your covered area -- plus a lack of oxygen -- to kill all parts of the fern, including the rootstock. Soil solarization can take one or two years to work.

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      Use a chemical herbicide. The one believed to be best-suited to killing outdoor ferns is glyphosate, which is sold under many brand names. Carefully follow all application and safety instructions on the chemical herbicide's label, to kill the ferns in your yard.