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How to Germinate Jujube

Jujube trees are trees that thrive in warm-weather climates and produce a sweet stone fruit similar to a date. The jujube fruit can be eaten right off the tree, dried or used in desserts such as pudding and pies. These hardwood trees can grow up to 40 feet high. The fruit, which is typically the size of a large cherry, produces a single stone that has two seeds. The stones in a jujube fruit can be germinated to grow additional jujube trees.

Things You'll Need

  • Small container
  • Tablespoon
  • Measuring cup
  • Salt
  • Whisk
  • Mesh strainer
  • Thiourea
  • Paper towel
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      Remove the stones from fully ripened jujube fruit, which is similar to a date. Remove any pulp from the stones.

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      Arrange for a container of water that has a 17 to 18 percent salt content to it (which is just slightly more than 1 tablespoon of salt per cup of water). Mix well using a whisk. Discard any stones that float on the surface of the water.

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      Remove the jujube stones from the saltwater container. Rinse the stones using a mesh strainer under cool water to remove any salt residue. Rinse the container as well.

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      Fill the container with water and add a small amount (500 parts per million) of thiourea, which is a sulfur-based crystalline chemical derived from urea and used to synthesize seed production (and can be obtained at any garden supply retailer). Mix the thiourea well with the water with a whisk. Add the jujube stones. Leave the stones in the thiourea solution for four hours.

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      Crack the stones open with your fingertips to speed up the germination process, as it takes up to 28 days for an uncracked stone to germinate its seeds. Place the seeds in damp paper towel and place in warm area. Keep the paper towel moist until the seeds begin to sprout.