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How to Get Rid of Golden Carpet Sedum

Golden carpet sedum is a yellowish ground cover that is often invasive in gardens and lawns. Its root system is resistant to most types of weather, meaning it survives through varying degrees of temperature, sunlight and rain. While golden carpet sedum is sometimes sought after because of its coloring, it also appears as an unwanted weed and spreads if it is not quickly removed. Getting rid of golden carpet sedum requires some diligence.

Things You'll Need

  • Hand shovel
  • Plastic tarp
  • Mulch
  • Herbicide
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      Pull out individual golden carpet sedum plants manually by clutching the base as close to the soil as possible and pulling slowly up to remove the root along with it. If the root isn't removed, the plant will quickly grow back. Dig out the root with a hand shovel if the stem breaks off without the root coming out with it.

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      Cover large areas of golden carpet sedum with a plastic tarp then cover the tarp with 2 inches of mulch. While the plant grows in various conditions, this blocks the sun entirely and also prevents any rain exposure, killing the plant off over time. This is less labor-intensive but takes longer.

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      Spray any remaining golden carpet sedum with an herbicide to kill it off. Follow the packaging instructions to ensure that surrounding plants aren't affected and the herbicide works as required.