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How to Fertilize Cherimoyas

Cherimoyas (Annona cherimola) are tropical fruit trees that bear sweet fruit, which are less acidic than many other types of sweet fruits. According to the University of California, only the Southern California coastal climates are conducive to growing and producing cherimoyas in the United States. To grow a healthy cherimoya in your warm subtropical climate, a good fertilization practice is a must.

Things You'll Need

  • Fertilizer
  • Garden hose
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      Fertilize a cherimoya that doesn’t bear fruit with a balanced granular fertilizer, such as 8-8-8 or 10-10-10. Use the rate recommended on the label for your tree size and age, since fertilizers vary in the amount of nutrients they contain.

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      Broadcast the fertilizer evenly under the cherimoya tree’s canopy, and then water it in with 1 inch of water.

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      Reapply the fertilizer every three months in a similar manner. As your tree grows, increase the rate of fertilizer as instructed on the label.

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      Fertilize a fruit-bearing cherimoya once a year. According to the National Garden Association, fertilize mature cherimoyas at a rate of 4 ounces of nitrogen for every 1 inch the trunk is in diameter.