Home Garden

Orchid Identification

Orchids will add intricate shape and vivid color to your garden or home, but it's best to know which types of orchids will grow best in your house or yard before you plant them. Becoming familiar with popular orchid types can help you come up with a color theme for your outdoor garden, or simply choose a new favorite bloom to display as a flower arrangement in your home.
  1. Terrestrials and Epiphytes

    • There are two types of orchids: epiphytes and terrestrials. Terrestrials include all orchids that grow on the ground. Epiphyte orchids have a root system above ground, and grow on trees. The term "epiphyte" doesn't just apply to orchids, but is used to describe any plant with above-ground roots.

    Phalaenopsis Orchids

    • Phalaenopsis orchids are epiphytes, and a favorite variety for growers because they can be planted and cared for with ease. The flowers prefer warm weather --- between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit in the daytime, and at least 62 degrees F at night. It's best to water the plant early in the morning so the moisture is completely evaporated by nightfall --- watering every four to seven days is best. The flat, somewhat heart-shaped flowers grow in soft colors such as ivory or lavender. It's best to pot or repot these orchids in the latter part of the spring or early part of the summer.

    Dendrobium Orchids

    • Dendrobium orchids are a common variety, and resemble the phalaenopsis orchid; some of the flowers are evergreen, while some shed their leaves during the autumn or winter. Dendrobium orchids are ephiphyte plants that are often seen in Thai restaurants and artwork, and are one of the biggest genera of orchids. These small blooms are somewhat star-shaped and grow in countries that include New Zealand, China, Japan Thailand and Tahiti. According to the Orchid.org website, there are more than 1,000 species of dendrobium, and more are being discovered in the New Guinea highlands. The easiest to grow dendrobiums are the Nobile variety; the blooms grow in hues that include pink, brown, white and yellow.

    Cattleya Orchids

    • Cattleya orchids are of the terrestrial variety, and are native to the South American rainforests, specifically the countries of Mexico, Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina. The flowers can grow in particularly high altitudes up to 10,000 feet, or as low as sea level. The plants respond well to humidity, and can be watered twice a week. It's best to fertilize the soil that your Cattleya orchids grow in every other week to keep the flowers healthy and thriving. The fringed leaves of the orchids grow in shades of bright white, deep burgundy or light purple, and often have a yellow center.