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Orchid Watering Needs

Water is a vital part of a plant's growth and health. Water and carbon dioxide are combined during photosynthesis to make the food necessary for a plant to grow. The correct amount of water that an orchid needs will depend on many other variables. Over-watering and under-watering orchids can cause the plant to die.
  1. Light

    • Plants that are grown in sunlight will need more water than a plant that is grown in part sun and shade. The hot sun beats down on the ground causing the medium to dry. Also, the water that plants absorb from the medium evaporates more quickly through the leaves, causing the plant to need more water.


    • The medium used to grow the orchid plays a big part in how often the plant will need water. If the medium dries quickly in sunlight and heat, the plant will need water more often than a plant grown in a medium that retains moisture. Bark will dry quicker, but mediums with peat moss will hold moisture better and require water less often.


    • The size and material used to make the container are other considerations when deciding how much water orchids will need. Clay containers cause the medium to dry quickly because the clay container is porous, which allows water to evaporate out of the container when the clay sweats. Plastic containers will hold moisture longer. Larger containers will stay moist longer than a small container.

    Water More Frequently

    • When deciding when to water the orchid, consider the humidity around the plant, the air circulation and the appearance of the leaves. If the leaves look broad and thin, the plant may need more water, more often. If the air circulation around the plant is high, the plant could need more frequent watering. If the humidity is low (orchids like high humidity), you will need to water more often.

    Water Less Frequently

    • Medium that is old and has started decomposing will need less water. Less water also is require when orchids are not growing. Other considerations for reducing the watering schedule are if the leaves are narrow and thick or if the humidity around the plant is high. If the leaves start to yellow, it could be a sign of root rot and water should be reduced so the medium can dry.