Home Garden

How to Make an Orchid Bud Bloom

Orchids bloom once a year, but can be tricked into blooming once more before the season is over through environmental manipulation. Force blooming is the act of manipulating the conditions in your home, which promotes the flower to bloom more than its usual blooming cycle. Once the buds on the orchid open, they typically retain their beauty for one to three months before wilting.

Things You'll Need

  • Humidifier
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      Set the orchid on a windowsill facing south or east during the daytime. The orchid requires light during the day, and the placement on the windowsill determines the intensity of the sunlight.

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      Place the orchid in a cool room no lower than 60 degrees F in the evening. The fluctuation in temperature forces the orchid's buds to flower.

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      Stick your finger 1 inch deep into the orchid's soil to determine the plant's moisture. If the soil feels moist, do not water the plant. If the soil is dry, place the plant in a sink and run lukewarm water into the soil until the water comes out of the bottom of the planter.

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      Set a humidifier next to the orchid, and turn on the humidifier to 60 to 70 percent humidity. Or, turn on the humidifier to the highest level to provide moisture to the orchid. The moisture created by the humidifier promotes bud opening when used at night.