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How to Grow Orchids Underwater

Orchids are delicate flowers that come in many colors, sizes and scents. Although many people believe growing orchids is a difficult task, with adequate knowledge even a novice gardener can grow an orchid. Most orchids are planted in the traditional way, using soil and water. However, it is possible to grow an orchid using a water culture in which the orchid is grown submersed in water.

Things You'll Need

  • Clear plastic or glass container
  • Orchid clipping
  • Tepid tap water
  • Fertilizer
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      Fill a large clear plastic or glass container full of tepid tap water. Growing orchids in a water culture is easier in a clear container because it allows light to penetrate the orchid.

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      Place a stem from an orchid into the water. The container should be deep enough to accommodate a significant amount of root growth.

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      Put fertilizer into the water regularly, as you would feed a normal orchid plant. Check the manufacturer’s instructions to find out how regularly and how much fertilizer you should add to the water.

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      Change the water every week. Replace the old water with new tepid tap water. Adding water that is hot or cold could shock the developing plant.

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      Keep the plant in the sunlight as you would a normal plant to allow it to grow.

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      Repot the root system in a larger container of water when it has grown too large to be accommodated by the first container.