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How to Grow Beallara Pacific Matriarch Orchids

Beallara Pacific ‘Matriarch’ orchids are a hybrid of the Oncidium family of orchids. Oncidiums were crossbred with other orchid species to combine the best qualities of each, making them ideal for inexperienced orchid growers. Orchids apart of the Beallara family were crossbred with Brassia, Cochlioda, Miltonia and Odontoglossum orchids. Give your Beallara Pacific ‘Matriarch’ orchid special growing conditions and care if you want it to be long-lived.

Things You'll Need

  • Tray
  • Pebbles or gravel
  • Orchid fertilizer
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      Place the orchid in a room that receives medium to low light from the sun, such as an east- or west-facing window. Orchids can tolerate temperatures in a range of 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the growing season, with nighttime temperatures no lower than 60 degrees.

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      Water the orchid when the potting medium is almost completely dry. Check the medium by inserting a finger into the middle of the medium. If the medium is dry, water it with lukewarm water in the sink until the water runs freely from the drainage holes.

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      Provide humidity for the orchid. Beallara orchids need an atmosphere of 50 percent humidity to promote favorable growing conditions. Place the orchid flower pot on a tray of pebbles with just enough water in the tray so that the flower pot isn’t touching the water, which could cause root rot.

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      Fertilize the orchid with an orchid fertilizer once a month. Follow the directions on the label for accurate usage. You can also fertilize twice a month with a 30-10-10 fertilizer diluted to 1/4 strength if the potting medium is bark-based. Avoid fertilizing when the orchid is dormant.