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How to Grow a Brazilian Orchid

Orchids are elegant aerial or terrestrial plants and grow in 30,000 species in the world. Brazil boasts orchids from the Cattleya, Cyrtopodium, Encyclia, Constantia, Laelia, Maxilaria, Miltonia, Sophronitella and Sophronitis families, with Cattleya orchids transitioning most successfully to home growing situations. These epiphetic aerial orchids require loose, airy foundations, moderately warm temperatures and good humidity levels.

Things You'll Need

  • Pots
  • Potting soil
  • Fertilizer
  • Stakes
  • Clips
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      Plant Brazilian orchids in pots two to three times the size of their bulbs and root systems. Use heavy ceramic or clay pots with drainage holes to ensure drainage and balance for these tall, heavy plants.

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      Use a nonsoil potting foundation for these aerial orchids, which grow in the canopy of the forest in the wild. Use orchid potting medium, fern matter, peat moss, wood chips, bark, gravel, coir or perlite to give the orchid roots access to air and warmth with quick drainage.

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      Place Brazilian orchids in sites with bright indirect light, artificial lighting or morning light and afternoon shade. Brazilian orchids do best with daytime temperatures of 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, nighttime temperatures of 60 to 65 F and humidity of 50 to 80 percent. Never put the orchids near fireplaces or heating vents, as those dry the air and the plant.

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      Water the orchid with 1 inch of water every three days during the blooming season. Restrict waterings to 1 inch of water a week in the nonblooming season and allow the orchid to dry between waterings to encourage bulb growth. Never get water on the foliage or crown of the plant as it will rot.

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      Feed Brazilian orchids with water-soluble 25-9-9 fertilizer once a month during the nonblooming season. Mix the fertilizer at one-quarter power and use the fertilized water for scheduled waterings. Switch to bloom-enhancing phosphorous fertilizer like 10-50-10 during the blooming season and increase feedings to twice a month. Use fish emulsion as an organic fertilizer alternative.

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      Push orchid stakes into the potting medium next to any flower stalks and clip the stalks to the stakes for support.