Home Garden

How to Care for Sophrolaeliocattleya Orchids

Sophrolaeliocattleya orchids are a hybrid of sophronitis, laelia and cattleya orchids, although their care is just like other cattleya orchids. Native to areas from Central America to South America, these orchids are often used as cut flowers and corsages because the flowers on the Sophrolaeliocattleya are often showy and fragrant. Like moth orchids, the Sophrolaeliocattleya is an epiphyte, meaning it grows its roots on trees and not in the soil. Sophrolaeliocattleya orchids can be grown in the home with the proper amount of care.

Things You'll Need

  • Pot
  • Orchid mix
  • 30-10-10 fertilizer
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      Plant the Sophrolaeliocattleya orchid in a well-drained pot with at least 4 to 6 holes in the bottom. Place the Sophrolaeliocattleya orchid into the pot and pour the orchid mix around its roots until the pot is full and the orchid is steady. Re-pot the orchid every two the three years.

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      Place the Sophrolaeliocattleya orchid near a bright west or south-facing window. Direct light in the morning is suitable, but avoid direct midday light.

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      Keep the temperature around the Sophrolaeliocattleya orchid at about 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 58 to 60 F during the night. Place a humidifier in the room or place the orchid's pot on a tray filled with water and pebbles. Keep the water level below that of the pot. The humidity level should be between 50 percent to 80 percent.

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      Water the Sophrolaeliocattleya orchid about once a week. Allow the growing medium to dry out slightly between each watering.

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      Fertilize the Sophrolaeliocattleya orchid once a month with 1 tbsp. of water-soluble 30-10-10 fertilizer while the orchid is actively growing.