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About Edible Orchids

Orchids are typically part of gardens and yards, used as ornamental plants only for looking at and tending to. However, orchids are also used as a food by some cultures and a growing number of cooks around the world. There are no poisonous orchids are out there, so any of them can be eaten. In fact, some orchids are grown just for that purpose.
  1. Stir Fry

    • In Singapore, orchid farmers like to grow orchids specifically for cooking. One of the ways they are eaten are as part of a stir fry. Mixed with vegetables and meat, they add a special taste to the dish as well as a splash of color.

    Edible Parts

    • Not all of the orchid is eaten, although it can be. Usually, the flowers are eaten, though the roots and stems can also be mashed or added in small amounts for texture in sauces and stews.


    • Not only are orchids edible, they offer nutrients to those willing to try them as well. Specifically, orchids are a good source of Vitamin C and natural fiber.


    • The taste of orchids varies depending on the type. Some have a bitter taste, while others are sweet tasting.


    • In Hawaii, orchids have been part of many unique dishes since the 1960s. Some of these include orchid salad and orchids with scallops.