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Caring for Cymbidium Orchids in Winter

Cymbidium orchids are a large group of flowering plants that are native to Southeast Asia. Different species produce flowers that measure from 1 to 5 inches long, in a broad spectrum of colors ranging from white to bronze. Once they quit flowering, cymbidium orchids enter a dormant period during which they don't need as much food, water, or light as they do during the summer. Consequently, caring for cymbidiums during the winter differs quite a bit from your summer care regimen.
  1. Temperature

    • No matter what the season, cymbidiums need cool temperatures at night. The Garden Centers of Colorado recommend that during the winter, when your orchids aren't growing, keep the temperature between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, and between 45 and 55 at night.


    • Once the winter rolls around, move your cymbidiums out of the direct sunlight where you've had them, to a spot where they'll get bright, but indirect, light all day. This could be a north-facing window, or a bright spot on a countertop. Your orchids may start putting out buds during the cold months---if this happens, it's especially important to keep them out of direct sunlight.


    • Cut back on watering your cymbidiums during the winter. Give them just enough water to keep their leaves from drying out. Check by touching the leaves themselves, and also by putting your fingers into the potting soil around the roots. It should be just barely moist to the touch---certainly not very damp or soggy.


    • Orchids are tropical plants, so they require moist air to thrive. During the winter, keep the humidity between 40 and 60 percent, and be sure to keep air circulating around the plants. This will discourage any fungal infestations from getting a foothold on the orchids.


    • During the winter, the orchids are resting, so they don't require anything like the level of fertilization you give them in the growing season. Feed your cymbidiums with a balanced house-plant or orchid food once a month. Follow the instructions on the package for mixing and applying it.