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How to Care for a Wilsonara Ruby Eyes Orchid

Orchids are a beautiful and popular house flower. More than 20,000 species are available, including the wilsonara ruby eyes orchid. These plants are highly adaptable, which makes them ideal as houseplants. They do take some specific care, but their unusual, long-lasting blooms have endeared these plants to those who grow them. To take care of your orchid, follow these general care steps.

Things You'll Need

  • Watering can
  • Orchid fertilizer
  • Fluorescent lights/Window location
  • Planting medium
  • Stake
  • Scissors or pruning shears
  • Clip
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      Ensure that your wilsonara ruby eyes orchid has the right foundation. Orchid roots need adequate circulation and drainage, so use a mixture of peat moss, fern, vermiculite, pine bark or pebbles.

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      Support your orchid's stems. Place a stake next to the stem and gently clip the stem to your stake for support. Do not break or damage the orchid. For best results, clip at the middle or top of the shoot.

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      Give the wilsonara orchid plenty of indirect light. Place it in a bright window where it will be exposed to light both morning and afternoon, or in the kitchen, where it has access to bright fluorescent lighting. Wilsonara ruby eyes orchids require around 12 hours of light each day.

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      Mist the plant once a week with room-temperature distilled water but never spray it so much that it's soaked.

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      On cold nights, move the orchid away from windows to protect it from freezing.

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      Water the plant whenever you notice that it has become dry. For most orchids, this will be once or twice a week.

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      Fertilize your wilsonara orchid once each month, using an orchid-specific fertilizer. Fertilizers are available at your local garden supply shop. Do not over-fertilize, as this could kill the plant.

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      Cut back the shoots on your orchid once it has finished blooming. Cut the shoot back to the roots to allow the plant to bloom again.

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      Repot wilsonara ruby eyes orchids once every two years, or when you notice the planting medium breaking down.