Home Garden

How to Make an Orchid Hanging Basket

Orchids are an effective way to add a tropical element to the interior of your home's decor. Despite their fragile appearance, they can thrive in hanging baskets as long as their growing requirements are met. In addition, it is important to check your orchid in the basket to monitor its health, give it water and make sure it doesn't contract a fungal infection. Make a hanging orchid basket and contribute a living feature to your decor.

Things You'll Need

  • Container
  • Saucer
  • Gravel
  • Osmunda fiber
  • Fertilizer
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      Choose a container for your orchid that has draining holes that are at least a half an inch in diameter and fits into the hanging basket. The container should be slightly larger than the root ball. Pick a saucer to fill with gravel to set underneath your container.

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      Fill two-thirds of the container with osmunda fiber. Place the orchid inside the container and pack the soil around the base. Lift the container over a sink and water the orchid at the base until water flows from the draining holes. Wipe off any water that may have gotten on the leaves with a soft towel.

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      Place a saucer filled with gravel inside the hanging basket. Keep water in the pebbles but do not allow for the water to touch the bottom of the container. Set the orchid in the hanging basket.

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      Find a south-facing window to hang the orchid. Make sure that temperatures around your orchid stay within their growing requirements, which differ for each orchid variety. Many orchids can survive day temperatures of 70 degrees F and night temperatures of 60 F.

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      Turn off any air conditioners or heating vents near your orchid plant and avoid planting them near drafts. Rotate the plant every other day, so both sides can get sunlight.