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Flowers That Look Similar to Orchids

Orchids belong to the Orchidaceae perennial plant family which has one fertile stamen and a single three petal flower. Two petals of the flower are alike while one is different. In the majority of plant species this third petal is enlarged into the shape of a lip or pouch and constitutes the most outstanding element of the flower. In general, orchids have a very diverse and "unflowerlike" look. There are over 30,000 known species of orchids, and they are considered to be the most highly evolved flowering plant.
  1. Tigridia Pavonia

    • Tigridia pavonia is also called tiger flower and peacock flower. The perennial flower's three large outer segments are yellow, orange-scarlet, pink or white and they contrast strikingly with the colors in the inner segments. The individual bloom lasts only for a day. The stem of the flower rises from a fan of narrow leaves and bears about six to eight blooms in succession during the summer. The leaves are sword shaped and between 10 to 12 inches long. Though the foliage is taller than the flower stems, they don't hide the flowers. Plant the flowers about 6 to 10 inches apart in spring; they do best in well drained, moist soil.


    • This is a perennial plant from the Andersoniana group that bears three petaled flowers that grow in a triangle around a bunch of fluffy stamens. Tradescantia is also referred to as spiderwort and grows to a mature height of 1 ½ to 2 feet. The leaves of the plant are lance shaped. The flowers bloom for many weeks during the summer and autumn and come in a wide range of colors including dark blue, purple, pink, white and wine red. Plant the flowers in light to full shade in moist, rich, well drained soil.

    Tricyrtis Formosana

    • Tricyrtis formosana is a perennial also known as the toad lily. The 1 ½- to 2-feet-high pile of lance-like leaves produce clusters of saucer-shaped three petaled flowers which bloom between early and mid summer. The flowers are a native of Taiwan and grow on wiry slender stems. They are light purple in color with a spray of dark purple freckles. Their leaves are glossy green. The flowers grow best in shady areas and woodland conditions. Plant in light to full shade in moist, well drained soil.