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How to Go Cherry Picking

Cherry picking can be a great way to spend an afternoon as well as get fresh fruit. Cherries not only taste great but they also provide the body with key nutrients. They also contain natural antioxidants that may help reduce the chances of some cancers. The key to picking the right cherries is timing because unlike some fruit, they do not ripen off the vine. In order to get the maximum flavor, you should only pick the cherries that have just ripened. Here is how.


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      Before you go to the cherry picking farm, make sure that it is open. Call ahead to make sure that there are ripe cherries available and that you will have plenty of time to harvest.

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      When you get the farm, you will be assigned a tree and ladder. Move the ladder to a spot under the tree that does force you to stretch to reach the cherries. Do not climb on the tree as that can be very dangerous.

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      Unlike some fruit, cherries do not ripen off the tree so look for cherries that seem heavy, firm, have a shiny skin and have a fresh stem.

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      Pick the cherries from their stem. Twist the stems near the base and they should come off easily. Put the cherry into the bucket inside the fruit liner. The liner is key to keeping the fruit clean.

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      Once you get home from your cherry picking trip, put the unwashed cherries in the refrigerator. Refrigerated cherries can keep up to two weeks.