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Care Instruction for Orchid House Plants

Orchids add an exotic element to the indoor garden. Species such as Phalaenopsis, Cattleya and Dendrobium do well indoors if certain specialized growing requirements are met.
  1. Temperature

    • Protect orchids from cold. According to Clemson University Cooperative Extension, the minimum nighttime temperature for phalaenopsis is 65 degrees Fahrenheit, cattleya 60 degrees Fahrenheit and dendrobium 52 degrees Fahrenheit. Daytime temperatures should be 10 to 15 degrees warmer. Avoid locating orchids in drafty locations such as near windows and doorways.


    • Orchids require high light during winter and indirect light during the summer, according to the University of Vermont Extension. A southern exposure is ideal. Orchids receiving insufficient light produce dark green leaves and fail to flower.


    • Allow orchids to dry slightly between watering, but never let them dry out completely. Orchids need weekly watering when they are actively growing. Irrigate until water runs out of the bottom of the pot and drain well, as orchids left sitting in water will rot.


    • Orchids require the right amount of fertilizer to flower well. Too little fertilizer will cause leaves to yellow, and too much fertilizer will prevent flowering. Apply a water-soluble fertilizer such as a 20-20-20 monthly. After flowering, stop fertilizing until new leaf growth begins.