Home Garden

How Can You Cut Orchid Roots?

Orchids make up the largest species of flowering plants in the world. Many orchids grown in homes are native to tropical rain forests and are epiphytic, meaning they cling to trees instead of growing in soil. Epiphytic orchids need moisture on their roots to grow well, but they also need a lot of air, which is why they grow well in bark and peat moss. If your orchid's roots are rotted or unhealthy, cutting them off can save your plant's life.

Things You'll Need

  • Scissors
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Orchid potting medium
  • Bleach
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    • 1

      Soak the new orchid potting medium in warm water for two to three hours so it is moist when you add the orchid.

    • 2

      Lift the orchid from its pot, and gently shake the potting medium from its roots. Rinse off the potting material from the roots with lukewarm water.

    • 3

      Examine the orchid's roots. Healthy roots are white and firm, while unhealthy roots are black or brown and mushy.

    • 4

      Disinfect your scissors by pouring rubbing alcohol on them. Cut any unhealthy roots back half an inch beyond the diseased portion. Disinfect your scissors with rubbing alcohol between each step to avoid spreading the disease.

    • 5

      Rinse the inside of your orchid's pot with water. Spray the pot with bleach, and let it sit for a minute. Rinse all the bleach out of the pot.

    • 6

      Fill the pot with the new potting medium, and place the orchid inside. Cover the orchid's rhizome and roots with the potting medium.