Home Garden

How to Get a Nun Orchid to Rebloom

Nun orchids, known botanically as Phaius tankervilliae or Phaius grandifolius, are hardy, terrestrial orchids that are prized for the exotic-looking clusters of purple, brown and white blossoms that cover the plant in the winter months. Nursery-grown nun orchids are sold during the just-about-to-bloom stage of growth and usually have no problem blooming in a typical home environment. However, after being grown indoors for a year, your orchid may need a little help remembering when it's time to rebloom. Start the reblooming process in the late fall to have your nun orchid blooming again in a matter of weeks.


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      Provide the nun orchid with consistently warm daytime temperatures. Set your thermostat to maintain a temperature between 68 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Provide your nun orchid with cooler nighttime temperatures to encourage it to rebloom. Lower the temperature to between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit each night before you go to bed.

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      Place the orchid in a completely dark room for at least 10 hours per day. Do this each night for three to four weeks or until the nun orchid begins to produce new blooms.