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How to Revive an Orchid With Limp Leaves

Orchids naturally grow in treetops, allowing for adequate moisture levels while draining away excess water. Although exact requirements of your orchid vary on the species, an orchid with limp leaves normally indicates care issue simple to remedy. Potted orchids sometimes suffer issues that a natural orchid won't encounter. For example, orchids that suffer from root rot or don't receive adequate levels of light may have limp leaves. Revive your wilting orchid in just a few simple steps.

Things You'll Need

  • Scissors
  • Potting soil
  • Mulch
  • Soft cloth
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  1. Root Rot

    • 1

      Remove the orchid from the plot gently.

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      Inspect the roots for root rot, indicated by brown mushy roots. Healthy orchid roots are firm and white.

    • 3

      Drain out excess water from the pot, as needed.

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      Clip damaged roots from the orchid plant with sterilized scissors.

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      Repot the orchid in a well-draining soil with mulch. Use a pot about the same size as it was in before; orchids thrive in tight spaces. Only water orchids when the top 1 inch of soil is dry.

    Light Levels

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      Dust the orchid leaves with a soft, damp cloth to ensure the leaves receive adequate sunlight.

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      Place orchids in a south-facing window where the plant receives adequate light levels.

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      Rotate the plant daily to ensure all the leaves receive adequate sunlight. Healthy orchids leaves look medium green. Orchids with too little light look yellowish; orchids with too much light look dark green.