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How to Prune Nun Orchids

Nun orchids, known botanically as Phaius tankervilliae, are terrestrial garden orchids named for their exotic-looking hooded blossoms that are said to resemble a nun's veil. These hardy, low-maintenance orchids can be cultivated successfully in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11. Nun orchids can be grown with little to no regular pruning. However, if you want nun orchids to look their best, give them a light pruning at the end of the growing season.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears
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      Prune nun orchids when they are dormant, which typically is between October and November.

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      Make all pruning cuts with sharpened and sterilizing pruning shears. Sharp pruning shears better ensure crisp, clean cuts, minimizing stress to the orchid. Sterilized pruning shears prevents the spread of harmful botanical diseases.

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      Cut the dormant orchid stalks back by half. Make clean, 45-degree pruning cuts approximately a 1/4-inch above healthy leaf nodes.

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      Remove spent blossoms from the nun orchid throughout the growing season to help it maintain an attractive appearance. Pinch off the spent orchid blossoms between your fingers or cut them from the plant with pruning shears.