Home Garden

How to Save Orchids

Orchids are elegant indoor plants that add a zen presence to a home. They come in a variety of colors such as white, pink, striped and even speckled, orchids. Orchids have different fragrances as well such as chocolate, winter-green, cinnamon and lemon. They can be picky growers and need special attention. If you are noticing your orchid is not flourishing as it should, you can save your orchid before it is too late.

Things You'll Need

  • Fertilizer
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      Monitor the light that your orchid receives. If it is not blooming, the amount of sunlight the orchid receives could be too little or too much. Orchids grow well in a south facing window. For best results, clean windows regularly. Check the leaves to determine if there is too much or too little light. According to the University of Tennessee Extension, dark green leaves indicate not enough light and light to medium green leaves are receiving sufficient light. Move if necessary away from the window or place sheers to the window to filter the light to promote the growth of the flowers. Make sure the temperature in the room isn't constant. Orchids need a 10-degree drop in temperature at night in order to flower.

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      Avoid over-watering the orchid as that is the number one cause of death of houseplants, according to the University of Tennessee Extension. The soil of the orchid should be dry before its next watering. Place your finger down into center soil to check for dryness. Water only if the soil is dry. Water the orchid deeply yet occasionally letting the lukewarm water drain in the sink. Do not use cold water for it can injure the roots.

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      Fertilize the orchid on a regular basis with a balanced fertilizer (20-20-20) as long as it doesn't contain urea. The American Orchid Society suggests fertilizing the orchid once a week instead once a month. Dilute the recommend dosage on the manufacturer's label by one-fourth per week instead of the full amount. Avoid feeding a dry orchid which may be burning your roots and causing your orchid not to grow. Water first as you normally would when the soil is completely dry and then feed it.