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Fertilizer for Better Blooming Orchids

Like most other plants, orchids need fertilizer to promote healthy and vigorous growth. When feeding an orchid, there are three key elements it needs: phosphorus for flower production, potassium for fruit development and flower control, and nitrogen for good vegetative growth. Gardeners with the goal of producing bigger blooms in their orchid must feed their plant these nutrients in just the right amount.
  1. Specialty Fertilizer

    • To help orchid plant achieve better blooms, use a fertilizer with a lower nitrogen concentration, higher phosphorus concentration and potassium between the other two elements, advises the Orchid Society of Arizona.

    Normal Fertilizer

    • For general growth, orchids need a fertilizer that contains an equal balance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. A label that reads 20-10-20 is a good formulation. The only exception is when orchids are planted in fir bark. In that case, orchids require more nitrogen, because its level of nitrogen can be depleted by the fungus that causes bark to decompose. A label that reads 30-10-10 is ideal for a higher concentration of nitrogen.

    When to Fertilize

    • Fertilize an orchid only when it is active growth. The American Orchid Society recommends a "weakly, weekly" method, meaning to apply a diluted amount, one-fourth strength, of fertilizer each time the plant is watered.


    • When fertilizing an orchid, always water first, then feed. A plant that is dry and fertilized will developed burned roots. Flush the plant's pot with plain water each month to remove any residual elements from building up.