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What Types of Orchids Have Pseudobulbs?

Sympodial orchids are those species that have a series of stems, each with a limited lifespan, that grow from the base of the stem that came before it. Often the point from which these stems grow is a pseudobulb, a thickening of the stem that serves as a water storage organ. Roots also grow from these pseudobulbs, and some species also have an underground rhizome.
  1. Cattleya

    • Cattelyas are a diverse group of epiphytic orchids with pseudobulbs and fleshy roots covered with velamen, a protective tissue that prevents roots from drying out. Cattelyas have specific environmental requirements that must exist to encourage healthy growth. Because of their water-retentive structures, cattelyas are adept at storing water during dry periods, and should be allowed to dry out thoroughly between waterings. Light should be bright but indirect during the middle of the day, and soil must have adequate drainage.


    • With more than 1,200 species belonging to the genus, Dendrobium orchids grow in a very wide range of habitats, from India to the Pacific islands and from Japan to Australia. The range of habitats and climates in which the Dendrobium species grows means that there are few characteristics common to the entire genus, but typical species have pseudobulbs at the base of the stem, sometimes clustered on an underground rhizome. Many species that grow in mountainous areas need a dry rest period in the winter.


    • Oncidium is a well-populated genus of orchid, with several hundred species and thousands of hybrids. The species are diverse and include epiphytic, lithophytic and terrestrial varieties. They are tropical orchids, with a range from Florida and Mexico to the Caribbean, Central America and South America. Home growers must take care to provide direct sunlight in the morning; yellow leaves indicate that the plant is receiving too much light. Watering can be generous and frequent, but the roots must be able to dry quickly, and a dry rest period must be provided after the plant's growing season ends.


    • Spathoglottis is a genus of tropical orchids with about 45 species. They are terrestrial, with pseudobulbs that grow at the surface of the soil. The plant's stem grows from the base of an established pseudobulb, as does a flower stalk that can be up to 2 feet high. When cultivated, this orchid prefers well-drained, organically rich soil, high humidity and indirect light