Home Garden

How to Protect Orchids From the Sun

Even though orchids require sunlight to grow and thrive, bright sun and the hot summer sun can easily damage and even kill an orchid. Signs of sun stress include dry roots, withering leaves and leaves that brown or yellow. During the warmest months of the summer, make a few alterations to your orchid-care methods, especially if you notice signs of your orchid getting too much sun.

Things You'll Need

  • Shade cloth
  • Watering can or bottle
  • Water spray bottle
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    • 1

      Move your orchid indoors during the hottest months of the summer. If don't have space indoors, then move the orchid into a shady location in your garden, such as a shady tree branch. If your orchids are already indoors, proceed to Step 2.

    • 2

      Place your orchid in a location that is brightly lit, but that never receives full sunlight. Midday sun is especially damaging to orchids, as it is the most intense and also the hottest.

    • 3

      Install a shade cloth on your window if your rooms are flooded in bright light during the summer. You can choose various percentages of shading available. Select one that provides 40 percent shade or higher.

    • 4

      Water your orchid more frequently than you did in the cooler months. Even when protected from direct sunlight, the orchid will require more water in the summer. Spray the branches and flowers with water and keep the roots moist.

    • 5

      Remove any object around the orchid that prevents good air circulation. Air circulation is necessary for the orchid to cool itself.