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How to Prune Vanda

Orchids are bright tropical plants, and grow in a wide range of species and cultivars. Vanda orchids hail from Asia, and produce taller, bushier growth than some other varieties. Leaves grow in parallel stacks up the stems, with roots and even new crowns sprouting between them. These orchids love sunshine and bloom riotously in proper sun, temperature and soil conditions. As with any other plant, they do best with consistent, careful pruning.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears/scissors
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      Prune Vanda stems when the blooms fade and fall off. Trim the stem back to 1/2 inch above the last used bud. Buds below this bud will produce new growth and flower stalks. Cut lower to reduce the Vanda's size, but always leave buds on the stem for new growth.

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      Cut dead, black, yellow, dried or shriveled roots off the stem. Cut off dead or rotting leaves as well. Cut only damaged roots and foliage, and leave any green or white matter on the plant. If roots are black at the tips but healthy at the base, cut them back to healthy growth.

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      Prune the potted root system if you're repotting the plant. Trim the tips off all roots, and cut back dead or rotten roots before putting the orchid in its new potting soil. This pruning encourages better nutrition and water uptake.