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Care of a Ripple Peperomia Plant

Ripple peperomia is a common houseplant that is in the pepper family. It has waxy, heart-shaped leaves that pucker and ripple. Some have a metallic sheen to them. Stems are a pale red with cone-shaped creamy flowers that grow on erect spikes. The whole plant only grows up to 6 inches tall, making it suitable to grow indoors in pots or in a terrarium.
  1. Requirements

    • Ripple peperomia plants require medium indoor light. Place pots 1 to 2 feet away from a south- or east-facing window or near a west-facing window that only gets filtered light. Indoor temperatures of 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit are suitable for the plant. Water with room-temperature water after the soil dries out, but do not forgo watering long enough that the plant wilts. In addition, water it so the excess liquid drains out the drain hole in the pot, which should be emptied immediately. Water peperomia plants less often during dormant winter months.

    Soil and Pots

    • According to the University of Florida, a 3-inch pot is the most suitable for the ripple peperomia plant. Use any type of pot, such as clay or plastic, as long as it has adequate drainage that will prevent roots from rotting. Do not use garden soil in pots, as it is much too heavy and compact for roots to expand and does not hold water and nutrients as well as sterile houseplant potting soil. Garden soil may also be infected with weeds, insect eggs and dangerous fungi.


    • Fertilize ripple peperomia plants with water-soluble houseplant fertilizer at half strength two times a year. Fertilize once in April and again in July. Too much fertilizer causes roots to die back. Then, the whole plant wilts, and the oldest leaves die first, followed by current foliage.

    Other Maintenance

    • Mist ripple peperomia plants occasionally during the summer with room-temperature water. Dust the leaves on a regular basis using a soft cloth dampened with room-temperature water, wiping both the top and underside of each leaf. Another method of dusting is to place the whole pot in a sink and spray the foliage with lukewarm water. Too much dust on leaves inhibits the breathing mechanism of the plant. Remove yellowing older leaves anytime you notice them, and trim brown spots that may appear on the leaves.