Home Garden

How to Decorate the Top of Cabinets With Potted Plants

Use the empty space above built-in and freestanding cabinets to display some lush foliage plants and to provide a living border to the room. These areas often receive minimal light, so choose plant varieties that flourish in low-light conditions. Plants require the same care as houseplants placed in other areas of the home, and most common houseplant varieties thrive in over-cabinet locations. Choosing the right types of plants provides the greatest decorative impact to the room.

Things You'll Need

  • Plants
  • Pots
  • Drip trays
  • Pruning shears
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      Select full plant varieties that trail over the edge of their pots. For example, ivy and pothos plants have lush foliage and trailing stems, and tolerate low light conditions.

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      Leave 8- to 12-inches of empty space between plant pots on top of a long row of cabinets. The empty space prevents the plants from looking too dense by providing a visual rest between each pot.

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      Use the same pot design for each plant, even if you are using different plant types. Using the same pot ties all the plants together into a cohesive design.

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      Place a drip tray beneath each pot to catch any excess water or soil that drains out. The tray prevents moisture from damaging the top of the cabinets.

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      Rotate the plants once or twice a week so all sides of the plant receive light. Rotating prevents the plants from leaning toward the light source and from producing uneven growth, since most cabinets back up to a wall.

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      Use a step stool to reach the plants when watering. Water the plants approximately once weekly or when the top inch of soil feels dry. Empty the drip tray beneath the pots after each watering.

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      Trim the trailing stems with a small pair of pruning shears as necessary, so the stems don't block the cabinet doors from opening. Make the pruning cut within ¼ inch of a leaf or leaf bud.