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Carludovica Peruvian Fan Care

The Carludovica species of flowering plants comprise more than 80 separate varieties found throughout Central and South America. It is often referred to simply as Peruvian fan or the jungle drum plant. The leaves of this plant species are used to make Panama hats. This palm-like species requires moist, warm and humid conditions. It is not suitable for outdoor growing in the United States except for the very warmest of locations. Even then, it should be brought indoors for the winter months. For most of the rest of the country, to care for a Peruvian fan plant means indoor growing.

Things You'll Need

  • Potting mix
  • Watering can
  • Spray bottle
  • Houseplant fertilizer
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  1. Preparing the Proper Conditions

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      Peat moss aerates the soil and helps it to retain moisture.

      Transplant the Peruvian fan plant into a potting mix of the proper ratio of peat moss to sandy loam. This should be in a 2:1 ratio regardless of soil volume.

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      Don't place tropical plants near a fireplace.

      Select a site where the lowest temperatures of the year will not drop below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Be careful of placing it next to a direct heat source, as this will encourage rapid drying out of the leaves and soil.

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      Muslin makes for an effective, shear screen.

      Make sure that the proper site receives plenty of bright, indirect or filtered light. If you decide to place it in a southern- or western-facing window, a sheer screen may need to be placed over the window to reduce the percentage of direct light reaching the Carludovica.

    Care and Maintenance

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      Keep the soil evenly moist for your Peruvian fan plant.

      Water your Peruvian fan plant often. It should always be moist but not wet. Do not allow it to dry out completely.

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      Any type of clean spray bottle will suffice.

      Raise the humidity around your Carludovica. If the site where it is located is not near a humidifier, use a spray bottle to mist water over top and on the under sides of the leaves. This will need to be done more often during the winter months but should be done year-round.

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      Fertilizer can be added directly to the irrigation water.

      Fertilize the plant with a diluted concentration of house plant fertilizer, such as at 50 percent of the recommended strength. This should be done every other week throughout the year.