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How to Care for Thai Jasmine

Although the name may make you think of fragrant blossoms, Thai jasmine is actually a type of rice, not an exotic variety of flowering plant. Unlike some types of rice, Thai jasmine requires more hours of balmy weather than even the warmest climates in the United States can offer. Although this plant’s temperature requirements may limit your ability to produce this grain as a type of field crop, you can still grow Thai jasmine as a potted houseplant.

Things You'll Need

  • Thai jasmine seeds
  • Cup
  • Clear plastic
  • 5-gallon pot
  • Loamy potting soil
  • Drip tray
  • Mulch
  • Grow light
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      Examine the Thai jasmine seeds for irregular or damaged specimens. Dispose of broken or irregular seeds. Soak the remainder of the seeds for 12 to 36 hours in a cup or similar container of lukewarm water to soften the outer coating and prime them before planting.

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      Prepare an indoor seedbed by placing a layer of clear plastic over the drainage holes in the bottom of a 5-gallon pot. Fill the pot with loamy potting soil. Place a deep drip tray under the pot to catch any water that finds its way around the plastic that covers the drainage holes. Press the soaked seeds over the surface of the potting soil, leaving about 1 inch between each seed. Gently press the seeds against the surface of the potting soil to ensure good seed-to-soil contact. Spread a layer of mulch over the seeds. The depth of the mulch should be about two to three times the diameter of the size of the seeds.

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      Place the pot under a grow light and maintain a temperature around 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Provide at least 12 hours of light per day. Water the soil slowly until you see water beginning to rise slightly above the surface of the soil. Keep the soil slightly soggy at all times. Watch for the seeds to begin sprouting. This generally occurs around one week from the time of planting.

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      Thin the seedlings when they reach about 6 inches in height. Create a distance of at least 4 inches between the seedlings by gently pinching out the weakest seedlings, allowing the strongest ones to remain in the pot. Place the pot outside during the warm daylight hours. Keep the soil moist and protect the Thai jasmine from wind and animals.

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      Watch for the rice heads to begin maturing. Thai jasmine usually begins forming flowers and producing grain after 90 days. Keep the pot in temperatures above 50 degrees Fahrenheit at all times and provide at least 12 hours of sunlight or artificial light every day throughout the growing season to ensure proper growth and development.