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Is Miracle-Gro OK for Hibiscus?

Hibiscus flowers are delicate and brightly colored. These bushes are native to the tropics and need special care when growing in cooler climates. If hibiscus plants are put in pots, you can grow them indoors and place them outside during warmer weather. Hibiscus bushes need periodic fertilization to remain healthy. Miracle-Gro fertilizer is one type of fertilizer you can use to provide the nutrient requirements of a hibiscus plant.
  1. Miracle-Gro

    • Fertilizers for indoor plants provide the essential plant nutrients of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. These nutrients must be present in sufficient amounts for any plant to grow well. Miracle-Gro is a well-known brand of fertilizer home gardeners use for both indoor and outdoor plants. Miracle-Gro has many types of fertilizers depending on what type of plant you are growing.

    Hibiscus Plants

    • Many varieties of hibiscus shrubs exist. Depending on the variety, it can grow to be 6 to 10 feet tall if planted outside. With proper pruning, you can keep a hibiscus plant as a medium-sized houseplant. These flowering bushes require partial shade to grow best. They have a dark-green leaf and can bloom from midspring until midsummer, depending on the variety. A standard potting soil used for houseplants should be sufficient for growing your hibiscus. To make sure the soil drains well, you could add a little sand. If put outside, hibiscus blossoms will likely attract birds.

    Fertilizing Hibiscus

    • Lightly fertilizer your hibiscus in early spring. The Miracle-Gro brand of fertilizer sells a type that includes plant micronutrients such as magnesium, copper and boron. These micronutrients are important for sustaining perennial houseplants. Use this type of fertilizer for your hibiscus plant. Some fertilizers are made to provide extra nutrients for blooming plants. These fertilizers usually have a higher percentage of phosphorous. Avoid these fertilizers for hibiscus because the phosphorus can build up in the soil and damage the plant.


    • Because hibiscus plants are grown in pots, they are more likely to become overfertilized than if they were growing in the ground. This is because excess nutrients can be more easily leached from the ground than they can in a pot. If you suspect that your hibiscus may be suffering from overfertilization due to poor growth, lack of blossoms or discolored leaves, flush the soil thoroughly with water. To do this, when the soil in your hibiscus plant's pot is dry, place it underneath the shower and let it run for several minutes. This will dissolve and leach out excess salts that have accumulated from fertilization.