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How to Keep Alive a Lovely Indoor Mini-Cyclamen

Cyclamen plants require cool temperatures to flower, but they cannot tolerate frost. They thrive as an indoor houseplant during the winter months and go dormant during the warm summer season. A mini-cyclamen provides all the beauty of a full-size plant, but only grows to a height of 6 inches. Like the full-size varieties, the mini-cyclamen produces green foliage with variegated patterns. The flowers are pink, red or white and grow above the mound of foliage.

Things You'll Need

  • Soluble fertilizer
  • Pot
  • Potting soil
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    • 1

      Locate the mini-cyclamen in an area that receives filtered sunlight. Maintain a daytime temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit and nighttime temperatures between 45 and 55 degrees when the plant is in flower during the winter months.

    • 2

      Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry. Fill the drip tray under the pot with water. Allow the pot to soak up the water through its bottom drainage holes for 30 minutes, then drain out any water remaining in the drip tray.

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      Combine 1 tsp. of soluble houseplant food with 1 gallon of water. Water the mini-cyclamen with this solution every three weeks when the plant is in flower.

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      Reduce watering to once every two weeks once the flowers wilt and the foliage begins to yellow. The remainder of the foliage should yellow and die back within four to six weeks.

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      Move the pot and dormant plant to a cool, dimly lit area. Avoid watering the plant during dormancy, which lasts approximately eight weeks.

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      Repot the cyclamen late summer, after the eight week dormancy period. Plant the tuber into a pot one size larger than the old one. Set the tuber in the soil so the top of the tuber sits just above the soil surface.

    • 7

      Resume regular watering and place the pot back in the filtered light location. Resume fertilization as new growth begins sprouting from the tuber.