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Shallow Roots in Indoor Plants

When growing plants indoors and in containers, it's important to be aware of each plant's needs based on its rooting depth. Plants with shallow roots are easy to maintain indoors. Their watering schedule and maintenance needs depend on the type of plant.
  1. Herbs

    • Herb gardens are useful and easy to grow, especially in your kitchen window. They exhibit shallow roots and require little maintenance. Some herbs that can be grown indoors include rosemary, thyme and oregano, each of which fit well in 4- to 6-inch pots.


    • Succulents are shallow-rooted and hardy plants that can be grown indoors. Plant succulents in dry, sandy soil that is well-draining. Succulents do not require much water and have short roots. Some cacti that flower indoors include those from the Lobivia, Rebutia, Mammillaria and Gymnocalycium groups.


    • Avoid planting large plants in small containers, which can cause them to dry out. Many shallow-rooted, spreading plants thrive in long, flat containers. To determine if small houseplants need watering, stick a finger 1 to 2 inches into soil to check moisture level.