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Care for Pandanus veitchii

Pandanus veitchii is the botanical name for Veitch's screwpine, a species of tree native to western Africa. The tree is commonly cultivated as an ornamental houseplant for its strap-like, leathery leaves and unusual trunk, which typically develops stilt-like support roots around the base. Care of Pandanus veitchii plants is very simple, since they require little attention once mature, but they do benefit from light grooming and monthly feeding during the growing season to maintain their appearance and vitality.

Things You'll Need

  • Potting soil
  • Perlite
  • 20-20-20 ratio fertilizer
  • Floral snips
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      Pot your Pandanus veitchii in a container with numerous drainage holes. Fill the container with a mixture of 4 parts loamy, rich potting soil and 1 part perlite.

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      Place the potted Pandanus veitchii in a spot with bright, diffused light, where daytime temperatures are around 80 degrees Fahrenheit and nighttime temperatures stay above 60 F.

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      Water the Pandanus veitchii following the "drench then dry" pattern. Water the plant until the soil is saturated and moisture begins to trickle out the drainage holes. Withhold further watering until the soil has dried to a depth of 2 inches.

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      Feed the Pandanus veitchii with 20-20-20 ratio fertilizer once a month from April until September. Follow the label directions when administering fertilizer to avoid burning the roots of the plant.

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      Prune away yellow or damaged leaves as they appear. Clip the leaves away near the base with a pair of floral snips.