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Can You Reuse the Soil After Mealy Bugs Kill Your Plant?

Re-using the soil from a potted plant that has lost the battle with a mealy bug infestation is risky business. While mealy bugs are not known to spread any diseases from plant to plant, the presence of even one mealy bug or mealy bug egg can mean the resurgence of the pest infestation, and it can easily spread to every plant in your home.
  1. Mealy Bugs

    • In the aphid family, mealy bugs are sucking insects that pierce the soft parts of a plant and feed on the sap. Since their bodies are unable to process the large amounts of sugar in the plant sap, they excrete the excess in the form of honeydew. Honey is sticky, copious and harbors the growth of black sooty mold. It is often the first sign of a pest problem. Identify mealy bugs as the source by their waxy, cottony coating that is nearly impenetrable by most pesticides.

    Soil Mealy Bugs

    • Even though the plant is dead, make certain part of the problem was not root mealy bugs. These are found beneath the soil and feed on a plant's roots rather than its foliage. They usually require a pesticide drench to eliminate them, and often, if just one plant is affected, it is easier to discard the soil than risk a re-infestation. Root mealy bugs spread easily from plant to plant through the drainage holes in the pots, or through irrigation systems.


    • Disposing infested plants and soil is the surest means of being certain that the mealy bugs do not spread to other plants. It is difficult to be sure that all traces of mealy bugs in the form of adult females, winged adult males, nymphs and eggs are completely gone from the soil


    • Whether or not you use the soil again from the affected plant, remove it from the pot and thoroughly wash the pot. Inspect it for any signs of the bugs. You can also compost the soil for future use as long as you give it sufficient time in the compost pile to kill any remaining mealy bugs. Proper composting techniques and adequate time will kill any undesirables left in the soil.