Home Garden

How to Care for a Cineraria

Cineraria, a member of the aster family, is a common annual in nurseries, florists and even supermarkets. They are sold in foil-wrapped pots as gift plants. Cineraria bears charming, daisy-like flowers in purple, mauve, blue, pink and red. The flowers generally have white rings around the center, giving them a bulls-eye appearance. Dr. Leonard Perry, professor with the University of Vermont Extension, says that the cineraria is difficult to bloom a second time and suggests throwing the plant away after it blooms.


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      Grow the cineraria near a north- or east-facing window where it receives some morning sun. It flowers best when it receives indirect sun all day.

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      Keep the temperature cool -- near 45 degrees Fahrenheit at night and 55 degrees in the day. Cineraria will not survive extended periods with temperatures above 60 degrees.

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      Water the cineraria when the top of the soil feels dry to the touch. Pour water over the plant until it drains into the saucer below. Allow the plant to sit in the water for 15 minutes, then drain the saucer.

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      Pinch off dead flowers to keep the cineraria looking tidy.