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Can Potting Soils for African Violets Be Used for Rubber Plants?

Most potting soils for houseplants are similar. Plants grown in containers need more nutrients and better draining soil since they are not in a natural environment. Potting soils are usually very well drained and contain some kind of fertilizer. There are specialty potting mixes for certain kinds of plants. These potting mixes are for plants that require special soil needs. Some potting soils are marketed for use with only one kind of plant, but they can in fact be used for any houseplant.
  1. Potting Soil

    • Most soil used for houseplants is made of materials that can retain water and are well drained. This combination of water relations is obtained by combining loose organic matter with materials that create lots of air space. Organic matter absorbs lots of water. The most commonly used material for organic matter in potting soil is peat moss. Vermiculite also absorbs water and creates spaces in the soil for air. Perlite is hard, light and white. It makes a potting soil loose and keeps it from compacting.

    African Violet Soil Requirements

    • African violets need a well-drained soil. The soil should remain loose over time. These flowers can grow well in mixes of equal parts of peat moss, vermiculite and perlite. The potting soil should have a slightly acidic pH around 6.0 or 6.5. Some specialty potting soils are made for African violets that have an acidic pH and some fertilizer.

    Rubber Plant Soil Requirements

    • The soil for rubber plants needs to be similar to that used by African violets. The main requirement is that it be well drained. Any potting mix that is designed for houseplants will be well drained. Make sure that any soil you use for rubber plants is loose and well aerated. If you have a specialty potting mix for African violets that has a lower pH, this is fine for rubber plants.


    • Violets and rubber plants will need repotting as they grow larger. Repot rubber plants when they start to need watering every day to get enough water. Repot violets when their foliage outgrows the pot. Never reuse old potting soil when repotting a houseplant. Old soil can have diseases or pests in it. You can put old potting soil into a compost bin or sprinkle it on the surface of your garden.