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Houseplants That Look Like Majesty Palm

The majesty palm (Ravenea glauca) is a palm with a single trunk and an elegant shape. Majesty palms have feather-shaped, arching leaves. These trees grow to approximately 15 to 20 feet tall and can be grown outdoors in USDA Zone 10 to Zone 11. While there is a dwarf version (Ravenea hildebrandtii) that looks just like the majesty palm and grows about 8 feet tall with a 6-inch-diameter trunk, it is only found in Comoros. However, there are still several palms that look very similar to the majesty palm that you can grow.
  1. Kentia Palm

    • Kentia palm (Howea forsteriana) is also known as the thatch leaf or sentry palm. It has a slender trunk with green feather-shaped fronds that droop. This slow-growing palm is very tolerant and adaptable to indoor growing conditions. It prefers medium to bright light levels, but will tolerate lower light levels than most other large palms. Provide kentia palms plenty of water during the summer and less water during the winter months.

    Pygmy Date Palm

    • The pygmy or dwarf date palm (Phoenix roebeleni) has both the feathery fronds and the single trunk of the majesty palm. Its leaves arch in a dense crown. Although it can eventually reach a height of 12 feet, it grows very slowly. It grows best in bright, indirect sunlight. Its soil needs to be moist, but not overly wet.

    Areca Palm

    • Areca palms (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) can be either tree- or shrub-like, depending on how it is grown. Its medium green, glossy leaves are long and feather-shaped. It grows about 6 to 10 inches a year until it reaches 7 feet tall. Areca palms need bright, indirect sunlight with temperatures above 65 degrees Fahrenheit at night and 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the day.

    Parlor Palm

    • The parlor palm (Chamaedorea elegans) has the featherlike fronds of the majesty palm, but it grows more like a bush than a tree, as its stems do not form clumps. However, it is a good choice if you need a palm that can tolerate abuse. The parlor palm is very-shade tolerant and will grow in relatively low light conditions. It is also much smaller and can be found in specimens less than foot high. Two palms similar to the parlor are the bamboo palm (C. erumpens) and the blue leaf Chamaedorea (C. glaucifolia).