Home Garden

How to Make Dracaena Grow

Dracaena is a large family of plants, several of which are grown as houseplants. Dracaena are all easy to care for, and do well even in difficult conditions. Most dracaena grown indoors are small and bushy, reaching only 2 feet high, but some, such as the dragon tree, can grow up to 10 feet. All dracaenas have long, strap-shaped leaves, and some have light or white variegated stripes along the leaf edges. Some of the most common varieties indoors are the corn plant, variegated dracaena and the popular "lucky bamboo" plant. They are hardy plants, rarely bothered by disease or pests.

Things You'll Need

  • Fertilizer
  • Scissors
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      Water your dracaena only when the potting soil is dry. The roots rot if kept too wet. Flouride in the water can sometimes cause the plant's leaf tips to turn yellow or die. Use filtered tap water to avoid this.

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      Provide sufficient humidity by misting your dracaena with water a few times per week. Low humidity can cause browning of the leaf tips.

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      Fertilize with a house plant food once per month during the spring and summer. This helps keep your dracaena green and lush.

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      Position your plant away from bright, direct sun. Dracaenas do well in indirect or even low light. If the light is too dim, however, the leaves might lose color and the plant's growth can be slowed.

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      Provide a warm environment, ideally between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Dracaenas do not tolerate cold temperatures.

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      Remove old, dying leaves by carefully pulling them from the plant. If your dracaena has leaf tips that have turned brown and dry, you can trim the brown part off the leaf with a small pair of scissors.