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Are Vaporizers or Humidifiers Better for Plants?

Vaporizes and humidifiers might seem like two different devices, but they both serve the same function: They add humidity to the air. Indoor plants typically need a humidity level that is between 20 and 40 percent. Cactus and succulents are an exception, since they are happy in environments with a much lower humidity level, generally between 5 and 15 percent.
  1. About Humidifiers

    • There are two types of cool mist humidifiers: evaporative or ultrasonic. Evaporative humidifiers add water to the air by blowing air through a water-soaked wick. The water in the wick evaporates into the air and increases the humidity level. Ultrasonic humidifiers use ultrasonic sound frequencies to break water into small particles that are then released into the air. Both are usually called "cool mist" humidifiers because the air they blow is cool. Some ultrasonic humidifiers may have a heating option that counteracts this, however.

    About Vaporizers

    • Warm mist humidifiers are also known as steam humidifiers or vaporizers. They contain a heating element that boils the water to create a steam. The steam is then released into the air, thus increasing humidity levels. Small warm-mist humidifiers that have a built-in water reservoir rather than a removable tank are known as vaporizers.


    • As far as plants go, vaporizers and humidifiers are basically the same. They are both equal at increasing the humidity in the air. The temperature of the water is irrelevant because the temperature will be the same by the time it reaches the plant. The only exception would be if you placed the plant right next to the machine. In that case, the humidifier could make the plant too cold, and the vaporizer could make it too hot.

    Other Considerations

    • When choosing between humidifiers and vaporizers, you should look at which is better for you. Vaporizers are usually quieter because they don't use a fan to blow air. However, their small size means they can only humidify a small room and need to be refilled option. Since they use heating elements to create steam, burns may occur if you place your hand too close to the device. Humidifiers are available in larger sizes and can be used to humidify an entire house.