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My Indoor Ivy Topiary Is Drying Out

The majority of ivy topiaries grow outdoors. However, topiaries survive indoor conditions with proper care. Indoor ivy topiaries typically dry out from lack of humidity, too much sun or heat. Proper care of indoor ivy topiaries prevents leaves burning or health decline.
  1. Humidity

    • Ivy topiaries suffer from lack of humidity, especially during the winter. Heaters or forced-air heat reduces air moisture. Keep the plant away from heaters or areas with temperature fluctuations. Mist the ivy topiary once a day with water. Keep the ivy topiary on a saucer or tray with a layer of pea gravel. Pour water in the tray until the pea gravel is halfway submerged. The evaporation prevents leaves from drying out.


    • Ivy topiaries placed in direct sunlight dry up and display leaf burning. Place ivy topiaries in a window that receives indirect sunlight. A south-facing window covered with a sheer curtain keeps ivy plants from drying out or burning. Rotate the ivy plant every other day to prevent one side growing faster than the other side. Ivy leaves looking burned or discolored indicate the topiary is getting too much sun.


    • Prevent drying out ivy topiaries by keeping them in a room without temperature fluctuations from drafts, air conditioners, frequently used doors or open windows. Ivy topiaries a room that is 10 degrees cooler at night than daytime temperatures. Guest rooms or basements are suitable for ivy topiaries.

    Other Considerations

    • Place your ivy topiary outdoors for one week out of the month. Ivy topiaries benefit from spending 25 percent of their life outdoors, as recommended by the American Ivy Society. When placing the ivy topiary outdoors, choose a location in partial of full shade. Partial shade is any area that gets four to six hours of sun a day. Water your ivy topiary to prevent the plant from drying out during the summer heat.