Home Garden

The Growing Temperature for a Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant

The tropical fiddle leaf fig (Ficus lyrata) grows up to 50 feet tall in its native Africa. It is a popular potted indoor plant, grown for its rounded, dark green leaves that grow up to 15 inches long. Fiddle leaves thrive in bright light with some direct sunshine, and they grow well at average home temperatures. They benefit from having their large leaves cleaned regularly to remove dust.
  1. Minimum Growing Temperature

    • Figs are tropical or subtropical plants and most species are damaged or killed by frost. Damage starts at temperatures below 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Fig plants grown indoors are vulnerable to root rot during the winter, especially if kept in cool or damp conditions or with waterlogged soil.

    Maximum Temperatures

    • Fiddle leaf figs grow well at high temperatures, but they can be damaged by water stress if grown in full sunshine. Plants exposed to direct sunshine develop pink spots on the leaf undersides if they are not watered regularly. Avoid this unsightly condition by growing your fiddle leaf fig in partial shade.

    Ideal Temperatures

    • Fiddle leaf figs thrive at daytime temperatures between 70 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit with a 10-degree drop in temperature at night. They should be kept at a minimum nighttime temperature of 59 degrees.

    Humidity and Other Factors

    • Fig plants require a minimum air humidity of 40 percent to prevent their leaves from developing brown fringes of dropping off. The brighter the light and the higher the temperature, the more humidity they need. Water your fiddle leaf fig plant when the top inch of its soil has dried out rather than on a regular schedule, because this prevents its soil from getting waterlogged or from drying out completely.