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How to Make Violets Rebloom

African violets are a popular houseplant that require little maintenance in order to rebloom, and they bloom year-round if properly cared for. These houseplants are best suited to warm temperatures and require adequate sunlight to continuously flower throughout the year. If sunlight is not available, fluorescent lighting is a suitable alternative to maintain your houseplant's beauty. As with any houseplant, these flowers must be carefully watered to prevent overwatering that can lead to root rot and a premature death of the plant.

Things You'll Need

  • Watering can
  • Soft cleaning cloth
  • Spray bottle
  • Fluorescent lamp
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      Place the African violet in a room that gets no warmer than 85 degrees Fahrenheit during the daytime. Set the plant in a spot that receives indirect sunlight to avoid burning the flowers.

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      Move the plant to a room no cooler than 60 degrees at night to maintain the appropriate temperature for reblooming.

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      Insert a soil test kit into the violet's soil to determine the moisture level, or scoop out soil 1 inch from the top of the surface to determine the moisture level. If the soil feels dry, add lukewarm water to the plant until the water seeps out from the bottom of the pot.

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      Replace the saucer at the bottom of the pot to prevent water from sitting in the saucer, as this can cause the violet's roots to become soggy.

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      Dust the leaves with a soft-bristled brush on a weekly basis. Spray the plant's leaves with lukewarm water from a spray bottle to reduce dust buildup.

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      Set the plant under fluorescent lights at night during the winter to maintain adequate light exposure.