Home Garden

How to Care for Trailing African Violets

Trailing African violets closely resemble their upright counterparts, but have a free flowing growth habit that allows them to spill over the sides of their planters. The plants grow in two different ways; one is referred to as a cascading trailing habit, while the other, more erect variety is known as semi-trailing and exhibits a fuller form. They are available in a host of violet and pink hues. Trailing African violets are tender plants that must be grown indoors in nearly all locations. They need bright light, rich and fast-draining potting mix and regular maintenance in order to thrive.

Things You'll Need

  • Growing container
  • African violet potting mix
  • African violet fertilizer
  • Pruning shears
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      Fill a growing container with commercially prepared potting mix designed for African violets. Make certain that the container has holes in the bottom to promote good drainage.

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      Place the roots of the plant into the mix at the depth they originally grew.

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      Add just enough warm water to moisten the potting mix evenly. Position the growing container in a spot that receives plentiful indirect sunlight and is protected from exposure to both hot and cold drafts.

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      Continue to water trailing African violets when the top 1/2 inch of the potting mix feels dry. Add just enough water to moisten the mix thoroughly.

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      Feed the plants with a fertilizer designed for African violets. Consult package directions for specific information on how much to apply and how often to fertilize because this often varies between brands.

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      Remove spotted, damaged and discolored leaves as needed to maintain an attractive appearance. Eliminate any foliage that appears crowded as well as growth that hampers the shape of the plant.