Home Garden

How to Care for a Hoya Wax Plant

A Hoya wax plant (Hoya carnosa) gets its name from its thick, waxy-looking foliage and flowers. In addition to being attractive, the flowers produce a delicate scent. You will often find these plants sold in hanging baskets, but you can also grow them in regular plant pots. Hoya does well indoors as long as you have a sunny room to keep it in. You may also keep these plants outdoors on a patio or deck in the spring and summer.

Things You'll Need

  • Insecticidal soap
  • Succulent potting soil
  • Succulent fertilizer
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      Place Hoya wax plants in a sunny room of your home; however, keep it out of direct sunlit areas, such as windowsills, to avoid scorching the foliage -- window glass concentrates the sun’s rays.
      Hoyas prefer a room temperature around 70 degrees F -- not too hot and not too cold. If the area feels comfortable to you, it is probably suitable for your Hoya wax plant.

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      Allow these plants to dry out a bit between waterings to avoid root rot. Water only when the top third of the soil in the pot is dry. When watering, pour slowly to avoid displacing the potting soil. Water until the water reaches the bottom of the pot, indicated by water trickling out from the drainage holes.

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      Groom your Hoya wax plant by removing dead leaves or stems and old plant debris from the soil. Do not prune away live stems, even after flowering, as these will produce more flowers.

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      Check your plant weekly, or every time you water, for insects such as aphids or mealy bugs. If you find bugs, spray them with insecticidal soap.

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      Repot the plants in pots one size up every two to three years and do so only in the winter, when the plant is dormant. Use a well-draining commercial potting soil for succulents. Handle the plant carefully to avoid breaking stems and leaves.

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      Fertilize Hoya during spring through the summer months. Use a fertilizer created for succulent houseplants.