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How to Get an Anthurium to Re-bloom

Anthuriums, or flamingo flowers, are a bold and diverse group of epiphytes valued by florists and gardeners for their exotic, bright flowers. Most familiar are the two or three species that produce broad, flat, brilliant red spathes held above deep green, leathery leaves. The spathe is a structure that attracts pollinating insects, while the true flowers are the tiny bumps gathered around an upright structure in the center called a spadix. Under the right conditions of bright light, high humidity and constant warmth, anthuriums will flower almost continuously.


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      Move the plant to a place where it will receive bright but diffused light, such as a thinly curtained window, for at least nine hours per day. Anthuriums require high light levels to produce continuous blooms.

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      Increase waterings to two to three times a week. Anthuriums grow best in at least 50 percent humidity. Maintaining higher humidity indoors can be a challenge. To raise the humidity, place pots in a tray filled with gravel or aquarium rocks and a shallow layer of water or use a room humidifier. Grouping multiple plants closer together will also raise the humidity around them. Watch for brown leaf tips as that may be a sign of low humidity.

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      Fertilize anthuriums every other month with a good blooming plant food. Such formulations will have a higher ratio of potash (the P in the N-P-K formula).

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      Transplant the anthurium to a well-aerated growing medium. A good mixture is a 1:1:1 mixture of peat:perlite:bark or a 2:1 mixture of peat:perlite.

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      Keep temperatures high and do not allow daytime temperatures to fall below 60 F.