Home Garden

How to Grow Mums in a Window

Garden centers and nurseries offer two types of mums of sale: florist mums, which are available throughout the year, and garden mums, which become available in fall. Buy florist mums when the buds just begin to show color to keep them looking good for up to six weeks. After the blooms fade, most people discard them because it is difficult to get them to bloom again indoors, and they probably won’t survive the winter outdoors. Purchase garden mums when they are in full bloom and enjoy the blossoms for three weeks or so before transplanting them outdoors.


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      Set the plant in a window where it will receive bright but indirect sunlight.

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      Provide temperatures between 55 and 65 degrees F. Mums kept in warmer temperatures won’t last as long as those kept cool.

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      Keep the soil moist. Large, root-bound plants may need daily watering.

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      Rehydrate large plants that show signs of wilting by watering from the top and setting in a tub of water for 30 minutes.