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How to Grow Haworthia Attenuata

Haworthia attenuata is a succulent plant similar in appearance to aloe vera. It has thick leaves edged with rough spines and foliage that is covered in silver-tinged, raised bumps. Haworthia attenuata grows up to 4 inches tall and forms clumps up to 8 inches wide. It is killed by temperatures that drop below 30 degrees F and is most often treated as a houseplant. For best results, grow the plant in bright, indirect sunlight and soil that drains rapidly.

Things You'll Need

  • Planter
  • Cactus growing mix
  • Water-soluble houseplant fertilizer
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      Fill the bottom half of a planter with cactus growing mix.

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      Position the haworthia attenuata in the planter at its previous depth. Finish filling the planter with growing mix and water until the soil feels lightly moist.

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      Place the planter in a location that receives bright sunlight and is protected from cold drafts.

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      Water when the top 1/2 inch of the growing mix dries out during spring and summer. Water only when the growing mix dries out completely during winter months.

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      Feed with water-soluble houseplant fertilizer once each month during the growing season. Apply the fertilizer at 1/4 the rate indicated on the package.

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      Break off damaged or dead stems at soil level.